Reasonable Accommodation

If you need assistance with a reasonable accommodation request while in shelter or are looking for more information about your rights, please call our Crisis Intervention Hotline 1-888-358-2384, Monday through Friday 9am-5pm for assistance.

DHS, HRA and other City and State agencies have an obligation to provide reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities including modifications to policies or procedures when necessary. Examples of accommodations include flexible scheduling of appointments, access to interpreters, assistance with reading and completing forms, and bed passes. If you need an accommodation, you can make a verbal request by talking to your case manager in the shelter or at HRA.

You and your doctor may also need to submit a reasonable accommodation request, which you can find here by clicking here. We suggest submitting medical documentation along with your reasonable accommodation request.

For additional information, please click here to review The Legal Aid Society’s publication “What You Need to Know About Reasonable Accommodations in Shelter if You Have a Disability.