$2,000 for an Apartment or a Pair of Shoes?

An article published today has struck me with its shocking illustration of what is going wrong in America. As we struggle to recover from a crippling recession, with jobless rates remaining stubbornly high, and income stagnating or declining for average Amer ..Read More

Advantage Tenants: August Rent Will Be Paid

In response to court orders, the City has announced that it will continue to pay rent subsidies for current Advantage tenants in August. The NYC Department of Homeless Services has informed current Advantage recipients that they will continue to receive rental ..Read More

Reality Check: Poverty is Pervasive in NYC

The lives of several New Yorkers struggling to survive are profiled in this month’s issue of City Limits. They face an array of obstacles from joblessness to homelessness to navigating the City’s convoluted welfare bureaucracy. Their stories, lik ..Read More